1 resultado para Thermo-inactivation

em Repositório Científico da Universidade de Évora - Portugal


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We present a multiscale model bridging length and time scales from molecular to continuum levels with the objective of predicting the yield behavior of amorphous glassy polyethylene (PE). Constitutive pa- rameters are obtained from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, decreasing the requirement for ad- hoc experiments. Consequently, we achieve: (1) the identification of multisurface yield functions; (2) the high strain rate involved in MD simulations is upscaled to continuum via quasi-static simulations. Validation demonstrates that the entire multisurface yield functions can be scaled to quasi-static rates where the yield stresses are possibly predicted by a proposed scaling law; (3) a hierarchical multiscale model is constructed to predict temperature and strain rate dependent yield strength of the PE.